BARIPAK – manufacturer containers of various purposes made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), durable wear-resistant thermoplastic. Works in the market of Russia and CIS countries since 2003 and in that time has established itself as a reliable supplier of sterile glassware and utensils for General use.
Advantages of PET are numerous. The usual half-liter PET bottle weighs about 28 grams, while a standard bottle of the same volume, made of glass can weigh about 350 g. PAT is completely transparent, a bottle produced from this material, it looks clean, attractive, natural transparency of the material makes it
In addition, PET can be painted, for example, in green or brown, for appearance of products meets the demands of consumers. The use of plastic bottles helps to eliminate such an unpleasant effect as the battle of Tara during transportation, the characteristic of glass bottles, PET and glass, beautifully (and fully) processed.